Join the E-100

Since 2012 Tesla Owners US hosts together with the EAA (Electric Auto Association) Phoenix Chapter an annual event of the 100 electric miles around the Valley of the Sun. It is always in spring each year. It is a pure electric vehicle competition.

[fontawesome icon=”fa-plug” circle=”no” size=”medium” iconcolor=”#dd3333″ circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”” ” id=„”] It is not about the race, but about the challenge with Q&A and efficient driving on only using electric energy previously stored.

[fontawesome icon=”fa-plug” circle=”no” size=”medium” iconcolor=”#dd3333″ circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”” ” id=„”] While touring there is the possibility to get extra points and deductions.

[fontawesome icon=”fa-plug” circle=”no” size=”medium” iconcolor=”#dd3333″ circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”” ” id=„”] After the tour, we have a get-together

[fontawesome icon=”fa-plug” circle=”no” size=”medium” iconcolor=”#dd3333″ circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”” ” id=„”] Later on, we will give out the 1-3 place and a “grand champion” for most efficient driving in all categories.

[fontawesome icon=”fa-plug” circle=”no” size=”medium” iconcolor=”#dd3333″ circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”” ” id=„”] Please click here to see the location and questions Click here to look at the places and question for the tour. The tour is published one day before the tour date.

[fontawesome icon=”fa-download” circle=”no” size=”medium” iconcolor=”#dd3333“ flip=”” rotate=”” spin=”no” ]  Once you registered, we will e-mail you the information about the entire tour. 

[fontawesome icon=”fa-chevron-circle-right” circle=”no” size=”medium” iconcolor=”#dd3333″ circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”“ ]Please register here